Update to the update

2Hi, remember me? Last we left off, strong-willed, extra-spirited Baby F arrived, and to say that threw a wrench into everything is…well…let’s just say I considered a ketchup sandwich a legitimate lunch for almost 2 years, OK?

Fast forward to late 2015, and while I’m still not busting out fresh-roasted squash soufflé on a Tuesday night (I actually did that?), Baby F is not exactly a baby anymore (that’s actually his hand at left), and I finally feel like I’m able to up my cooking game beyond steamed rice and marked-down vegan hot dogs from Grocery Outlet. I also bought a handful of new toys (InstantPot, food dehydrator), and wrote this article about eating on a food-stamp budget, which felt absolutely decadent after $35! Be on the lookout (for reals this time, I swear) for new tips and recipes in the next few weeks to help YOU eat within your budget, whether it’s $35 or $85.

P.S. Site is not yet in full update mode, so the Recipe and Tip indices are linking to a previous domain that I’m having trouble recovering. If you’re interested in something specific, just type it into the search bar!


One response to “Update to the update

  1. That’s great! I’ve wondered from time to time how you’re doing. I’m looking forward to the new version…

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